Source code for validate_pyproject.api

Retrieve JSON schemas for validating dicts representing a ``pyproject.toml`` file.

import json
import logging
import typing
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial, reduce
from types import MappingProxyType, ModuleType
from typing import (

import fastjsonschema as FJS

from . import errors, formats
from .error_reporting import detailed_errors
from .extra_validations import EXTRA_VALIDATIONS
from .types import FormatValidationFn, Schema, ValidationFn

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from .plugins import PluginProtocol

try:  # pragma: no cover
    from importlib.resources import files

    def read_text(package: Union[str, ModuleType], resource: str) -> str:
        """:meta private:"""
        return files(package).joinpath(resource).read_text(encoding="utf-8")

except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from importlib.resources import read_text

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Mapping)
AllPlugins = Enum("AllPlugins", "ALL_PLUGINS")  #: :meta private:

TOP_LEVEL_SCHEMA = "pyproject_toml"
PROJECT_TABLE_SCHEMA = "project_metadata"

def _get_public_functions(module: ModuleType) -> Mapping[str, FormatValidationFn]:
    return {
        fn.__name__.replace("_", "-"): fn
        for fn in module.__dict__.values()
        if callable(fn) and not fn.__name__.startswith("_")

FORMAT_FUNCTIONS = MappingProxyType(_get_public_functions(formats))

def load(name: str, package: str = __package__, ext: str = ".schema.json") -> Schema:
    """Load the schema from a JSON Schema file.
    The returned dict-like object is immutable.

    :meta private: (low level detail)
    return Schema(json.loads(read_text(package, f"{name}{ext}")))

def load_builtin_plugin(name: str) -> Schema:
    """:meta private: (low level detail)"""
    return load(name, f"{__package__}.plugins")

class SchemaRegistry(Mapping[str, Schema]):
    """Repository of parsed JSON Schemas used for validating a ``pyproject.toml``.

    During instantiation the schemas equivalent to PEP 517, PEP 518 and PEP 621
    will be combined with the schemas for the ``tool`` subtables provided by the

    Since this object work as a mapping between each schema ``$id`` and the schema
    itself, all schemas provided by plugins **MUST** have a top level ``$id``.

    :meta private: (low level detail)

    def __init__(self, plugins: Sequence["PluginProtocol"] = ()):
        self._schemas: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, Schema]] = {}
        # (which part of the TOML, who defines, schema)

        top_level = typing.cast(dict, load(TOP_LEVEL_SCHEMA))  # Make it mutable
        self._spec_version: str = top_level["$schema"]
        top_properties = top_level["properties"]
        tool_properties = top_properties["tool"].setdefault("properties", {})

        # Add PEP 621
        project_table_schema = load(PROJECT_TABLE_SCHEMA)
        self._ensure_compatibility(PROJECT_TABLE_SCHEMA, project_table_schema)
        sid = project_table_schema["$id"]
        top_level["project"] = {"$ref": sid}
        origin = f"{__name__} - project metadata"
        self._schemas = {sid: ("project", origin, project_table_schema)}

        # Add tools using Plugins
        for plugin in plugins:
            if plugin.tool in tool_properties:
                _logger.warning(f"{} overwrites `tool.{plugin.tool}` schema")
      "{} defines `tool.{plugin.tool}` schema")
            sid = self._ensure_compatibility(plugin.tool, plugin.schema)["$id"]
            sref = f"{sid}#{plugin.fragment}" if plugin.fragment else sid
            tool_properties[plugin.tool] = {"$ref": sref}
            self._schemas[sid] = (f"tool.{plugin.tool}",, plugin.schema)

        self._main_id: str = top_level["$id"]
        main_schema = Schema(top_level)
        origin = f"{__name__} - build metadata"
        self._schemas[self._main_id] = ("<$ROOT>", origin, main_schema)

    def spec_version(self) -> str:
        """Version of the JSON Schema spec in use"""
        return self._spec_version

    def main(self) -> str:
        """Top level schema for validating a ``pyproject.toml`` file"""
        return self._main_id

    def _ensure_compatibility(self, reference: str, schema: Schema) -> Schema:
        if "$id" not in schema:
            raise errors.SchemaMissingId(reference)
        sid = schema["$id"]
        if sid in self._schemas:
            raise errors.SchemaWithDuplicatedId(sid)
        version = schema.get("$schema")
        # Support schemas with missing trailing # (incorrect, but required before 0.15)
        if version and version.rstrip("#") != self.spec_version.rstrip("#"):
            raise errors.InvalidSchemaVersion(reference, version, self.spec_version)
        return schema

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Schema:
        return self._schemas[key][-1]

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        return iter(self._schemas)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._schemas)

class RefHandler(Mapping[str, Callable[[str], Schema]]):
    """:mod:`fastjsonschema` allows passing a dict-like object to load external schema
    ``$ref``s. Such objects map the URI schema (e.g. ``http``, ``https``, ``ftp``)
    into a function that receives the schema URI and returns the schema (as parsed JSON)
    (otherwise :mod:`urllib` is used and the URI is assumed to be a valid URL).
    This class will ensure all the URIs are loaded from the local registry.

    :meta private: (low level detail)

    def __init__(self, registry: Mapping[str, Schema]):
        self._uri_schemas = ["http", "https"]
        self._registry = registry

    def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
        if isinstance(key, str):
            if key not in self._uri_schemas:
            return True
        return False

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        return iter(self._uri_schemas)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._uri_schemas)

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Callable[[str], Schema]:
        """All the references should be retrieved from the registry"""
        return self._registry.__getitem__

[docs] class Validator: _plugins: Sequence["PluginProtocol"] def __init__( self, plugins: Union[Sequence["PluginProtocol"], AllPlugins] = ALL_PLUGINS, format_validators: Mapping[str, FormatValidationFn] = FORMAT_FUNCTIONS, extra_validations: Sequence[ValidationFn] = EXTRA_VALIDATIONS, *, extra_plugins: Sequence["PluginProtocol"] = (), ): self._code_cache: Optional[str] = None self._cache: Optional[ValidationFn] = None self._schema: Optional[Schema] = None # Let's make the following options readonly self._format_validators = MappingProxyType(format_validators) self._extra_validations = tuple(extra_validations) if plugins is ALL_PLUGINS: from .plugins import list_from_entry_points plugins = list_from_entry_points() self._plugins = (*plugins, *extra_plugins) self._schema_registry = SchemaRegistry(self._plugins) self.handlers = RefHandler(self._schema_registry) @property def registry(self) -> SchemaRegistry: return self._schema_registry @property def schema(self) -> Schema: """Top level ``pyproject.toml`` JSON Schema""" return Schema({"$ref": self._schema_registry.main}) @property def extra_validations(self) -> Sequence[ValidationFn]: """List of extra validation functions that run after the JSON Schema check""" return self._extra_validations @property def formats(self) -> Mapping[str, FormatValidationFn]: """Mapping between JSON Schema formats and functions that validates them""" return self._format_validators @property def generated_code(self) -> str: if self._code_cache is None: fmts = dict(self.formats) self._code_cache = FJS.compile_to_code(self.schema, self.handlers, fmts) return self._code_cache def __getitem__(self, schema_id: str) -> Schema: """Retrieve a schema from registry""" return self._schema_registry[schema_id]
[docs] def __call__(self, pyproject: T) -> T: """Checks a parsed ``pyproject.toml`` file (given as :obj:`typing.Mapping`) and raises an exception when it is not a valid. """ if self._cache is None: compiled = FJS.compile(self.schema, self.handlers, dict(self.formats)) fn = partial(compiled, custom_formats=self._format_validators) self._cache = typing.cast(ValidationFn, fn) with detailed_errors(): self._cache(pyproject) return reduce(lambda acc, fn: fn(acc), self.extra_validations, pyproject)