Source code for validate_pyproject.pre_compile

import logging
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

import fastjsonschema as FJS

from .. import api, dist_name, types

if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 8):  # pragma: no cover
    from importlib import metadata as _M
else:  # pragma: no cover
    import importlib_metadata as _M

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from ..plugins import PluginProtocol

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        "from fastjsonschema import": "from .fastjsonschema_exceptions import",

[docs] def pre_compile( # noqa: PLR0913 output_dir: Union[str, os.PathLike] = ".", main_file: str = "", original_cmd: str = "", plugins: Union[api.AllPlugins, Sequence["PluginProtocol"]] = api.ALL_PLUGINS, text_replacements: Mapping[str, str] = TEXT_REPLACEMENTS, *, extra_plugins: Sequence["PluginProtocol"] = (), ) -> Path: """Populate the given ``output_dir`` with all files necessary to perform the validation. The validation can be performed by calling the ``validate`` function inside the the file named with the ``main_file`` value. ``text_replacements`` can be used to """ out = Path(output_dir) out.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) replacements = {**TEXT_REPLACEMENTS, **text_replacements} validator = api.Validator(plugins, extra_plugins=extra_plugins) header = "\n".join(NOCHECK_HEADERS) code = replace_text(validator.generated_code, replacements) _write(out / "", header + code) copy_fastjsonschema_exceptions(out, replacements) copy_module("extra_validations", out, replacements) copy_module("formats", out, replacements) copy_module("error_reporting", out, replacements) write_main(out / main_file, validator.schema, replacements) write_notice(out, main_file, original_cmd, replacements) (out / "").touch() return out
[docs] def replace_text(text: str, replacements: Dict[str, str]) -> str: for orig, subst in replacements.items(): text = text.replace(orig, subst) return text
[docs] def copy_fastjsonschema_exceptions( output_dir: Path, replacements: Dict[str, str] ) -> Path: code = replace_text(api.read_text(FJS.__name__, ""), replacements) return _write(output_dir / "", code)
[docs] def copy_module(name: str, output_dir: Path, replacements: Dict[str, str]) -> Path: code = api.read_text(api.__package__, f"{name}.py") return _write(output_dir / f"{name}.py", replace_text(code, replacements))
[docs] def write_main( file_path: Path, schema: types.Schema, replacements: Dict[str, str] ) -> Path: code = api.read_text(__name__, "main_file.template") return _write(file_path, replace_text(code, replacements))
[docs] def write_notice( out: Path, main_file: str, cmd: str, replacements: Dict[str, str] ) -> Path: if cmd: opening = api.read_text(__name__, "cli-notice.template") opening = opening.format(command=cmd) else: opening = api.read_text(__name__, "api-notice.template") notice = api.read_text(__name__, "NOTICE.template") notice = notice.format(notice=opening, main_file=main_file, **load_licenses()) notice = replace_text(notice, replacements) return _write(out / "NOTICE", notice)
[docs] def load_licenses() -> Dict[str, str]: return { "fastjsonschema_license": _find_and_load_licence(_M.files("fastjsonschema")), "validate_pyproject_license": _find_and_load_licence(_M.files(dist_name)), }
NOCHECK_HEADERS = ( "# noqa", "# ruff: noqa", "# flake8: noqa", "# pylint: skip-file", "# mypy: ignore-errors", "# yapf: disable", "# pylama:skip=1", "\n\n# *** PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY DIRECTLY: Automatically generated code *** \n\n\n", ) def _find_and_load_licence(files: Optional[Sequence[_M.PackagePath]]) -> str: if files is None: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError("Could not find LICENSE for package") try: return next(f for f in files if f.stem.upper() == "LICENSE").read_text("UTF-8") except FileNotFoundError: # pragma: no cover msg = ( "Please make sure to install `validate-pyproject` and `fastjsonschema` " "in a NON-EDITABLE way. This is necessary due to the issue #112 in " "python/importlib_metadata." ) _logger.warning(msg) raise def _write(file: Path, text: str) -> Path: file.write_text(text.rstrip() + "\n", encoding="utf-8") # POSIX convention return file